If someone is looking into streamlining many of the nuisances and expenses that come with manually scheduling their fleet, they are most likely aware of some of the rumors surrounding the implementation of route scheduling software. Read on as we debunk four of the most common false truths people believe about this technology.
We Can't Afford A Route Scheduling Software
As with anything, most people have budgetary restraints in mind. Many business owners who run their own fleets feel as if a scheduling program would be more for larger companies who 'really' need such a thing. However, one question that is important is: "How much is my company spending on scheduling wages every year?" Although the cost up front may feel cost-prohibitive, a well-maintained scheduling software saves time and money in the long run and will continue to do so.
My Clients And Employees Will Never Get The Hang Of the transit software
Many transit managers believe that scheduling software is simply too complicated to make the switch to but nowadays, this just isn’t so. Modern software is designed to make scheduling fast and easy and although training is often a part of the offering, interfaces are more intuitive and faster than ever before. In the case of Ecolane DRT software, the solution runs inside a web browser and most users nowadays understand pointing and clicking. Even new staff will be able to quickly grasp some of a software’s key functions without extensive training. In addition, everyone will like the fact that support documents are stored and can be retrieved for review via web portals.
I Only Need The Most Basic Software
While it is true that even simple software can help to avoid traffic bottlenecks and carrier-driver wait times, more in-depth software can take that functionality further and could be a better fit for an agency. Taking several variables into account such as the ability to prioritize traffic based on constraints related to suppliers, carriers, customers, load types, product types and other business priorities (such as promotions) can all make a difference when it comes to saving money. Choose your software package carefully.
We Are A Small Business, So Why Bother with a DRT Software?
Although not necessarily related to paratransit, most contract and public warehouses don't have rules and set-times to abide by so many suppliers who work for large retail outlets have strict delivery times they must follow. In fact, the majority of the largest retail outlets such as Wal-Mart, Target, etc., dictate terms of their deliveries with very high standards. This is where scheduling software comes in. It's a key asset towards keeping everything running smoothly within that business. Smaller fleets with scheduling software don't have to be afraid to take on larger clients for the fear of strict delivery standards.
With any big decision one makes about their business, adequate research needs to be done. Falling for myths before doing the research is almost always a mistake and there are too many common misconceptions about scheduling software that aren't true. IF you would like to know more or have any questions regarding the implementation of this software, feel free to contact us at our website. Allow us to provide you with a live demo and you’ll see what you could be missing.
About the Author

Read Ecolane's blog articles for perspective, opinion and information on transit and paratransit issues.