rabbittransit Case Study

York, PA
rabbittransit case study
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As a smaller urban agency serving a mostly rural population, rabbittransit faced some unique challenges...

Nearly 8,000 people depend on rabbittransit each day to get to work, medical facilities, school, and other life-sustaining activities. With a fleet of 237 paratransit vehicles, rabbittransit performs an average of 3,100 trips per week.

As a pilot site for the entire state of Pennsylvania, rabbittransit switched to Ecolane software and saw:

  • 16% increase in on-time performance
  • $1 million savings in operational expenses
  • High customer satisfaction rate
  • Rides per hour goal achieved

Download the case study to learn how rabbittransit was able to achieve the results they were looking for and pave the road for other agencies in Pennsylvania.

“Prior to Ecolane, rabbittransit had a full-functioning paratransit software package with most of the bells and whistles. What we didn't have was a product that was easy to use. We didn't have a product with good and accurate reporting modules. We didn't have a system that allowed us to enhance our customer's experience. Ecolane provides these features and a significant amount of information in a very user-friendly manner - right at your fingertips.”
– Rich Farr, rabbittransit